
We want everyone to have equal use of this website. If you have any problems or difficulties using this site, please let us know by emailing

Adjusting the text size

You can increase the size of the text on screen.

Internet Explorer 8.0+

  1. Select the 'View' menu
  2. Select 'Text Size'
  3. Select your chosen size


  1. Select the 'Page' menu
  2. Select 'Zoom'
  3. Increase or decrease the text size


If you have a mouse wheel, hold down the Control (CTRL) key and roll the mouse wheel to change the text size.

  • Please note: this website does not fully support Internet Explorer 7 or earlier versions. If you are visiting this site on Internet Explorer 7 or earlier, you may be unable to make full use of this website. We strongly recommend using a more recent version of Internet Explorer. Even better: use a different internet browser, such as Firefox, Safari or Chrome.

Firefox 3.0+, Opera 7.0+

  1. Select the 'View' menu
  2. Select 'Zoom'
  3. Increase or decrease the zoom


Using your keyboard, type CTRL + or CTRL -.

Safari 1.2+ (Mac)

  1. Select the 'View' menu
  2. Select 'Make Text Bigger' or 'Make Text Smaller'


Using your keyboard, type Command + or Command -.

iPhone, iPad, and Android smartphones and tablets

This website's layout adjusts to smaller screen sizes on tablets and mobile phones. Our website also fully supports the built-in "pinch to zoom" function on mobile devices.

Inverting colours

This website's colour scheme has been selected for optimal readability whether you invert the screen's colours or not.

Please note that if you use the "Smart Invert" feature introduced in iOS 11 for iPhones and iPads, this will not invert colours on images within this website. If you prefer to invert the colours on images as well, use "Classic Invert" instead.

Accessing documents

Most information on this website is provided as standard web pages (HTML format). Most documents, including our official publications, are in PDF format. To read and print PDF files, you'll need a PDF reader such as Adobe Reader. Most modern computer operating systems include built-in support for PDF documents.

  • Android users please note: the built-in Android Browser does not correctly handle downloads of PDF documents. If you are browsing this website using an Android device, we strongly recommend using Google Chrome as your browser.

If you have difficulty reading a PDF-only publication, please email us at for help. Include details of the document you want to access and the difficulty you are having.

Information held on external websites

When we link to information on other websites, we always try to link to standard web pages. If this is not possible, we may link directly to a PDF or Word document. These links will include the document format and file size in the link text.


We have made every effort to make this website fully-accessible to visually-impaired visitors using screenreaders. If you have any difficulty using this site with a screenreader, please email and let us know.